Post Primary

#30DAYSWILD - Trumpet Finale

Well folks, that's the end of Fleming Fulton's journey with @thewildlifetrusts on their #30DAYSWILD challenge.

I hope you all enjoyed yourself?  I know I certainly did...!!  The fun contines with

Wildlife - Wild for LIFE 

Signing off now with few final words from Zoe and a Staff Trumpet Trio

Till Next Year... 


Post Primary

Zoe Reporting for #30DAYSWILD

Zoe is sheilding at home, that doesn't stop her from getting #WILD in the green beside her house...

One week left, what Random Acts of Wildness can you do this weekend...?

Post Primary



Mrs Foster has just shared this video with me.  She was enjoying a family BBQ at home over the weekend when her party was gate crashed by a Badger...!!

Yes, you heard right, a BADGER...  

Mr Bertie Badger, strolled right up onto her patio in the early evening looking for his share of the burgers...


*Original audio track replaced to protect the innocent... ;o)

Nursery Primary Post Primary

Welcome to our Virtual Sports Day

We have missed seeing our pupils this term and they would have been practicing and improving their performance to show off to you. We missed seeing you all in person at our Sports Days and are thankful to the whole school community joining in to connect us all together again.

Have a safe and happy summer break.
Mrs Vance and Mrs Whittington

Primary PE (Primary) Post Primary PE
Fleming Fulton School
35 Upper Malone Rd, Belfast, BT9 6TY | Tel: 028 9061 3877
© 2023 Fleming Fulton School.
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